
Released on GEN.ART, Kakano is an exploration of texture inspired by the practice of charcoal rubbing. Millions of individual points combine with geometry and motion to create unpredictable and fascinating compositions.

You can read more about the origins and development of Kakano in my deep dive post.

Opposite - Kakano #176 - Jstenn13

Bold yet Gentle

Kakano juxtaposes strong geometric patterns with the delicate building of subtle texture. Art Deco influences can be found in the bold shapes, tempered by fine structure, playful patterns, and beautiful colors.

Designed with physical print in mind, each piece contains extraordinary detail that rewards close inspection.

Opposite - Kakano #1000 - A4FF43

Browse Full Collection

You can view Kakano in the GEN.ART gallery or via Opensea.

Opposite - Kakano #950 - Maxorgel3701

